Want a Summer Job at Camp Okoboji?
Looking for a Summer Job? Know someone who is committed to serving others and glorifying God? Refer them to us! We are in need of hard-working, committed young adults to serve guests and campers on our Summer Staff.
Responsibilities at Camp Okoboji range from housekeeping, lifeguarding (training will be provided), maintenance, and program assistance! Fill out your profile today - click the button on this page to be directed to NLOMA's Summer Service Profile Page.
The National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association (NLOMA) is an organization of Lutheran camp professionals. For over four decades, NLOMA has partnered with camp and retreat centers across the country - including Camp Okoboji - by offering professional development opportunities, spiritual training and renewal, networking and fellowship.
NLOMA is also active in helping recruit and place over 600 summer applicants each summer to more than 20 camps. This process, called Joint Recruitment, allows potential summer staff members to apply and interview for camps across the country.
Want more information? Call the Camp Office at 712-337-3325 today!