Camp Okoboji LCMS Foundation

Camp Okoboji LCMS Foundation, Inc.

The Camp Okoboji LCMS Foundation was established in 2006 as a not-for-profit corporation organized to receive, manage, and invest gifts for the purpose of using the increase for the Mission of Camp Okoboji - "Serving Christ in Outdoor Ministry".

Why establish a foundation?
In 1992, an Endowment Fund was established to receive and accumulate gifts and bequests for the purpose of generating future investment income to support the Camp's Mission and Ministry. Since then, those funds have continued to grow - aided chiefly through the work of Mr. Jim Schroeder, Gift Planning Counselor, and others. In planning for the future, the Camp Okoboji Board of Directors identified a need for a greater level of dedicated expertise to carefully nurture the gifts from each donor. By action of the Board, the Foundation was formed. Assets formerly belonging to the Endowment Fund have been transferred to the Foundation. Regular distributions of investment income are made to the Camp as needed in response to requests from the Camp Okoboji Board of Directors. Camp Okoboji and the Camp Okoboji LCMS Foundation are now positioned to receive and manage your future gifts while meeting donor expectations to provide for the future through responsible Christian stewardship.

The business and affairs of the Foundation, including the control and disposition of its property and funds, are managed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The number of directors is not less than four nor more than twelve and serve for a three year term. Currently, there are eleven directors. Officers of the corporation are elected by the Board and consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. A regular, annual meeting is properly announced and held on a date and at a location selected by the Board. Special meetings may also be held as provided for in the Bylaws.

Please join us by supporting Camp Okoboji!

Our Vision:  Refreshing Body and Spirit
Our Mission:  We provide Sanctuary which connects guests to God and His Creation.
Our Values:  Gospel, Safety, Excellence, Wellness, Stewardship, Legacy

The Foundation is permitted to use the following investment strategies:

  • Bank cash deposits including checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, and time certificates of deposits.
  • LCEF cash deposits including checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, and time certificates of deposits.
  • U.S. debt instruments including government securities and agency issues, investments grade corporate bonds, and certificates of deposits.
  • U.S. Stock and Bond mutual funds.
  • Money market mutual funds.
  • Mortgage backed securities including GNMA’s, FNMA’s, and CMO’s.
  • Other specific debt instruments approved by the Board of Directors.

A percentage of the return on investments will be reinvested to permit the funds to grow.

Questions & Responses

Q:  Can I still designate my gift for the Endowment Fund?
A:  Gifts designated for the Endowment Fund will be directed to the Foundation. The Endowment Fund is no longer used.

Q:  Can I designate my Foundation Gift for a specific purpose or program?
Yes, providing that fund already exists and has a balance.

Q:  Do I have to change the beneficiary designation from the Camp to the Foundation for my planned estate gift?
You may, but you don’t have to. Bequests and other planned gifts that are directed to the Camp will be transferred to the Foundation by the Camp Board of Directors consistent with the known wishes of the donor.

Q:  I want to give a gift to Camp that will keep on giving. Who should I make the check out to - Camp or the Foundation?
For gifts that you intend to have invested such that the earnings may benefit Camp Okoboji for years to come, please direct your gift to the Camp Okoboji LCMS Foundation.

Q:  Where can I get more information?
Call Camp Okoboji at 712-337-3325.

Camp Okoboji LCMS
Foundation, Inc.

1531 Edgewood Drive
Milford, IA 51351
Phone: 712-337-3325
Fax: 712-337-3318